

About 10% of Americans experience some form of discomfort while watching 3D movies and television. Symptoms range from a mild headache to severe nausea.

Tens of millions of people are faced with the following options when they want to see a 3D movie:
  1. Cover one of your eyes through the entire movie
  2. Sit at home while your friends or family go to watch movies without you
  3. Just deal with it

We thought that sucked, so we created 2D glasses. How they work is a bit complicated, but the end effect is that you get to watch a 3D movie as if it’s a normal 2D movie, eliminating eyeball strain. The glasses look just like 3D glasses, no one even has to know you’re not seeing the movie in 3D. Just make sure you don’t recycle them at the end of the movie!


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